A collection of resources to support you beyond your session.
The Light Stream Technique
The “Light Stream Technique” is a resource and tool developed by Francine Shapiro, the founder of EMDR Therapy.
This is an invitation for an at home practice, guided by Lisa, to support in grounding and soothing your nervous system.
On Validation
What is validation and why is it so important? Validation is a really important skill when communication with ourselves and with others. Self validation means to recognize our experiences as valid- this is our truth. Validating others does not mean that we necessarily need to agree with the them. It does mean that we can authentically honour and recognize another’s truth- their experience as valid.
The Brain
A summary from Dr. Dan Siegel on how to soothe the pre-frontal cortex through naming emotions.
Dr. Siegel coined the term “Name it to Tame it” which offers direction on how we can connect with our children/teens, offer co-regulation, and bring the “upstairs” brain online.
On Loss
A blog written by Clinical Social Worker and psychotherapist, Caitlin Beukema, on ‘How To Support Someone Experiencing Pregnancy Loss’.
Caitlin is a well-versed clinician specializing in Perinatal Mental Health and Trauma, and is the co-creater of Moon + Gem.
Women's Health.
Meet Dr. Steffe, a Toronto Based Naturopathic Doctor specializing in women’s health and hormones.
Why is her work being shared here?
Well, when we’re doing trauma work, or any work on the nervous system, our whole bodies and selves are involved. Dr. Steffe guides and supports women through all the things. Painful periods, fertility, mood challenges and more.
Working Memory
What is working memory? And how does it show up?
Download this free resource for simple strategies to support working memory.